Are you currently studying law/have you previously studied law? What issues would you like to see ADL address/be aware of for disabled aspiring lawyers currently studying?
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Are you currently studying law/have you previously studied law? What issues would you like to see ADL address/be aware of for disabled aspiring lawyers currently studying?
I'm Emily, Vice Chair of Operations at the ADL. My role is to keep things ticking along and to represent the ADL on the Bar Standards Board's Disability Task Force.
If you have a question about the Bar, what it's like to be a disabled Bar student, or have something you would like me to talk about on the BSB's Task Force, the let me know!
I'm Jody, I'm a third year LL.B student and I'm working towards becoming a barrister. I'm delighted to have been given the opportunity to organise the events for ADL and I'm delighted to meet you all 😊
Hi everyone, welcome to the forum!
I'm Lucie, the Vice-Chair of our student division. I'm excited to be able to have more of an interactive platform for us to get to know our members, and allow you to get to know each other!
How is everyone doing with the pupillage gateway deadline approaching? Is there anything you would want to see from us that may support you?
Welcome to the Disability in Law Forum by the Association of Disabled Lawyers ('the Forum')! Building a supportive network has always been at the forefront of our activities. This next step will bring more of you together. The Forum provides a safe space for members to learn, share, and discuss the topics related to being a disabled aspiring/practicing lawyer and have a say on the Association's work, goals and achievements.
This is an unmoderated forum; however it is monitored by the Association, and users should be aware of the following standard guidelines to enable us to keep this a productive, safe, space:
Hello, my name is Lizzie, and I am a first-year LLB student. Despite applying for my DSA well in advance, it was not until three months after my studies commenced that I was provided with the provisions to enable me to study. Due to the delay in this, I was…