The Team
Daniel Holt, Founding Chair

Daniel is a barrister at Farrar's Building and Chair of Middle Temple's Disability Forum. He serves the BSB Taskforce and Pictor Academy's Advisory Committee.
Daniel is on the Disability Power 100, an award-winning activist and was 'highly commended' at the European Diversity Awards in 2018.
Emily Broad, Vice-Chair (Operations)
Emily is a Paralegal at the Infected Blood Inquiry. She graduated with an LLB from Cardiff University in 2017 and went onto study the Bar Professional Training Course and Clinical Legal Project LLM at City, University of London. Emily represents the Association on the Bar Standard's Board's Disability Taskforce where she leads our efforts to regulatory change at the Bar.
Emily oversees the ADL's activities.

Christina Warner, Vice-Chair (Bar-Related Activity)

Christina Warner is a family and animal protection barrister at 33 Bedford Row. Having been described by her clients as a “powerful” advocate with a “human touch”, Christina has raised awareness of the needs of LGBTQ+ people, Latinx communities and disabled people accessing the family courts as well as promoting their rights generally through pro bono contributions to charities and projects. Having also been recognised as a “pioneer” in the field of animal protection law, Christina has fought to bring attention to the link between violence towards animals and children and domestic abuse.